Fish Eyes – The Gospel of I Don’t Know

Fish Eyes poster 2014Next week Ted & Company will present four performances of Fish Eyes to celebrate 20 years of this beloved show. From April 10-13, Ted Swartz and Jason Hildebrand will take up their nets and don their (figurative) fisherman’s waders at Court Square Theater in Harrisonburg VA, drawing audiences into the first century lives of Jesus’ disciples Peter and Andrew. One week later, dinner theater guests in Ohio can also enjoy Fish Eyes at Dutch Village Inn in Columbiana OH.

Ted and Jason have both noted that they discover new nuances to the stories each time they perform. We hope many others, who perhaps last saw Fish Eyes 15 years ago, will enjoy experiencing the stories afresh, particularly as the performances offer a perfect segue into Palm Sunday and Holy Week. And there is a whole generation of teens and twenty-somethings who have not seen Fish Eyes – this is your chance! Tickets for Court Square available here. Dinner theater information found here.

This blog is often filled with Ted’s musings. Today we offer some thoughts from Jason, or “Andy”, as he’s known in his Fish Eyes role.

FE6-CLEARLY-he-was-talking-to-you“It’s been seven years since I’ve have the privilege of being on stage performing Fish Eyes with Ted.  Since that time, Fish Eyes, with another actor, has been a staple in my roster of performances in Canada.  A couple weeks ago Ted and I spent some time rehearsing for the 20th Anniversary tour.  It was an complex and wonderful week as we tried to merge the past, present and new ideas to create a new version of Fish Eyes.

“There are two things that I love about Fish Eyes.

“First, and probably most importantly,  is that the show is all about relationships – about brotherhood.  Though I knew Ted prior to doing the show with him seven years ago, truly our relationship was forged in the pain, stress and wonder of the work we did in the last Fish Eyes/Creation Chronicles run.  Our relationship runs deep.  In many ways, I would say there is a sacred element to it.  For me, this is why the show works.  This is why I am excited to get back on the stage with Ted.

“We affectionally call our Fish Eyes show in Canada, “The Gospel of I Don’t Know.”  This refers to the wonderful notion that, if the disciples were with Jesus and didn’t get what he was doing while he was with them, then there’s hope for us today!  This is the second reason I love the show.  I can totally relate to the brothers Andrew and Peter.  I am often foggy on what God is up to in my life and the lives of the people around me.  But, what I am clear on is that, like Andrew and Peter, the ride is a whole lot richer with your brother.  And, Ted is my brother. The audience is in for a treat!”



  1. Ric Peters on April 13, 2014 at 12:43 pm

    Love it, love it, love it. Laughed and cried